em tag in html with example

  1. The <em> tag is used to indicate emphasis (less emphasis than the HTML strong tag). 
  2. The <em> element is one of the phrase elements in HTML. The appearance of text enclosed within a <em> element is often rendered with an italic font.
  3. The <em> tag is supported in all major browsers.

Example :

     I love <em>Football.</em>
     This is <em>20Fingers2Brains</em>

Demo :

In the above example, we have rendered em element. The em element is rendered in italics style.

em and Style :

<style type="text/css">
font-family:comic sans ms;
I love <em>Football.</em><br/>
This is <em>20Fingers2Brains</em>

Demo :

In the above example, we have rendered em tag. We have also applied CSS to it.

em and Javascript :

<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
function em()
var element=document.createElement("em");
var text=document.createTextNode("This is Emphasized effect.");
<div id="em">
<input type="button" id="b1" value="Press" onclick="em()">

Demo :

In the above example, we have rendered em tag on button click. 


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