hr tag in html with example

  1. The HTML <hr> tag is used for creating a horizontal rule. The <hr> element can be used to separate content in an HTML page. Most of the visual attributes for this tag have been deprecated in favor of style sheets. 
  2. In HTML, the <hr> tag has no end tag. 
  3. In XHTML, the <hr> tag must be properly closed, like this: <hr/>.
  4. The <hr> tag is supported in all major browsers. 

Example :

     <p>This is 20Fingers2Brains.</p>
     <p>Powered by kk.</p>

Demo :

In the above example, we have rendered hr element between two paragraph elements. The hr tag is rendered as a horizontal line defining the partition.

HR and Style :

<style type="text/css">
<p>This is 20Fingers2Brains.</p>
<p>Powered by kk.</p>

Demo :

In the above example, we have rendered hr element. We have applied CSS to hr element using CSS class.

HR and Javascript :

<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
function hr()

<p>This is 20Fingers2Brains.</p>
<hr id="hr1"/>
<p>Powered by kk.</p>
<input type="button" id="b1" value="Press" onclick="hr()"/>

Demo :

In the above example, we have rendered a hr element, paragraph and button element. On click of button we are assigning the CSS class to hr element.


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